
POWERTON is a backdoor written in PowerShell; FireEye has not yet identified any publicly available toolset with a similar code base, indicating that it is likely custom-built. POWERTON is designed to support multiple persistence mechanisms, including WMI and auto-run registry key. Communications with the C2 are over TCP/HTTP(S) and leverage AES encryption for communication traffic to and from the C2. POWERTON typically gets deployed as a later stage backdoor and is obfuscated several layers.

FireEye has witnessed at least two separate versions of POWERTON, tracked separately as POWERTON.v1 and POWERTON.v2, wherein the latter has improved its command and control functionality, and integrated the ability to dump password hashes.

SensePost’s RULER is a tool designed to interact with Exchange servers via a messaging application programming interface (MAPI), or via remote procedure calls (RPC), both over HTTP protocol. As detailed in the “Managed Defense Rapid Responses” section, in mid-November 2017, FireEye witnessed network activity generated by an existing Outlook email client process on a single host, indicating connection via Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) to an adversary-controlled IP address 85.206.161[.]214. This communication retrieved an executable created with Aut2Exe (MD5: 95f3bea43338addc1ad951cd2d42eb6f), and executed a PowerShell one-liner to retrieve further malicious content.

Indicators of Compromise

Hash of Obfuscated File (MD5) Hash of Deobfuscated File (MD5) Version
974b999186ff434bee3ab6d61411731f 3871aac486ba79215f2155f32d581dc2 V1
e2d60bb6e3e67591e13b6a8178d89736 2cd286711151efb61a15e2e11736d7d2 V1
bd80fcf5e70a0677ba94b3f7c011440e 5a66480e100d4f14e12fceb60e91371d V1
4047e238bbcec147f8b97d849ef40ce5 f5ac89d406e698e169ba34fea59a780e V2
c38069d0bc79acdc28af3820c1123e53 4aca006b9afe85b1f11314b39ee270f7 V2
N/A 7f4f7e307a11f121d8659ca98bc8ba56 V2
53ae59ed03fa5df3bf738bc0775a91d9 99649d58c0d502b2dfada02124b1504c V2


• Ensure to have the latest patches of Microsoft Outlook installed.
• Restrict PowerShell execution.
